Plener Family Shoot, Thornhill Woods

I was so happy that the Plener family called me for a second shoot this past fall. I photographed this family—who coincidentally turned out to be my neighbors—just days after their baby boy was born so it was fun to see how much both he and his big sister had grown in what felt like the blink of an eye.

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Rosenberg Girls Mini Shoot, Thornhill

“I could never love anyone as I love my sisters” —Jo March, Little Women
I am lucky enough to have gotten to know these four amazing sisters quite well over the last few months. They are so beautiful, inside and out. And they were such a delight, full of spunk and personality, hugs, and, of course, lots and lots of giggles.

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Hofman Family Shoot, Thornhill

I was lucky to have this one-year-old birthday’s boy’s cousins around to laugh and make silly faces. We took cracker breaks, of course, but we sure had a fun afternoon on one of the few gorgeous days Toronto got this summer.

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